Camion fourgon Mercedes-Benz Antos 1827 Antos

camion fourgon Mercedes-Benz Antos 1827 Antos
camion fourgon Mercedes-Benz Antos 1827 Antos
camion fourgon Mercedes-Benz Antos 1827 Antos image 2
camion fourgon Mercedes-Benz Antos 1827 Antos image 3
camion fourgon Mercedes-Benz Antos 1827 Antos image 4
camion fourgon Mercedes-Benz Antos 1827 Antos image 5
camion fourgon Mercedes-Benz Antos 1827 Antos image 6
camion fourgon Mercedes-Benz Antos 1827 Antos image 7
camion fourgon Mercedes-Benz Antos 1827 Antos image 8
camion fourgon Mercedes-Benz Antos 1827 Antos image 9
camion fourgon Mercedes-Benz Antos 1827 Antos image 10
camion fourgon Mercedes-Benz Antos 1827 Antos image 11
camion fourgon Mercedes-Benz Antos 1827 Antos image 12
camion fourgon Mercedes-Benz Antos 1827 Antos image 13
camion fourgon Mercedes-Benz Antos 1827 Antos image 14
camion fourgon Mercedes-Benz Antos 1827 Antos image 15
camion fourgon Mercedes-Benz Antos 1827 Antos image 16
camion fourgon Mercedes-Benz Antos 1827 Antos image 17
Cette annonce vous intéresse ?
26 900 €
Prix net HT
Contacter le vendeur
Marque:  Mercedes-Benz
Modèle:  Antos 1827 Antos
Type:  camion fourgon
Année:  2015-10
Date de 1ère immatriculation:  2015-10-26
Kilométrage:  437 000 km
Capacité de charge:  9 820 kg
Poids net à vide:  9 180 kg
Poids total en charge:  19 000 kg
Localisation:  Belgique Willebroekà 6510 km de vous
Mise en ligne:  plus d'un mois
Identifiant dans le stock du vendeur:  14
Carburant:  diesel
Euro:  Euro 6
Nombre d'essieux:  2
Configuration de l'essieu:  4x2
Suspension:  ressort/pneumatique
Équipement supplémentaire
Marque:  Laadklep: HOLLANDIA, 1500 kg
Capacité de charge:  1 500 kg
État:  d'occasion
Informations supplémentaires
Couleur:  blanc

Informations supplémentaires — Camion fourgon Mercedes-Benz Antos 1827 Antos

- 4x2
- Въздушно окачване
- Ресорно пружинно окачване

We are located between Antwerp and Brussels along the A12 motorway, nearby the port of Antwerp. Opening hours: Monday till Friday continuously from 8.30 am to 19.00 pm. If you have questions please do not hesitate to contact our sales department. Tel afficher les coordonnées
= Plus d'options et d'accessoires =

- 4x2
- Suspension de feuille
- Suspension pneumatique

= Remarques =

Armoire en polywood 8,55 m x h 2,31 m x l 2,47 m – Hayon d’Hollandia 1500 kg – Climatisation – Automatique – Suspension à lames et pneumatique – total 19 000 kg – Tare 9180 kg –

= Plus d'informations =

Cabine: jour
Essieu avant: Direction
Trappe de chargement: HOLLANDIA, 1500 kg
Veuillez contacter Miguel Cubas pour plus d'informations

= Information sur la société =

We are located between Antwerp and Brussels along the A12 motorway, nearby the port of Antwerp. Opening hours: Monday till Friday continuously from 8.30 am to 19.00 pm. If you have questions please do not hesitate to contact our sales department. Tel afficher les coordonnées
- 4x2
- Odpružení listovými pružinami
- Vzduchové odpružení

We are located between Antwerp and Brussels along the A12 motorway, nearby the port of Antwerp. Opening hours: Monday till Friday continuously from 8.30 am to 19.00 pm. If you have questions please do not hesitate to contact our sales department. Tel afficher les coordonnées
= Weitere Optionen und Zubehör =

- 4x2
- Blattfederung
- Luftfederung

= Anmerkungen =

Polywood-Schrank 8,55 m x H 2,31 m x B 2,47 m – d’Hollandia-Heckklappe 1500 kg – Klimaanlage – Automatisch – Blatt- und Luftfederung – Gesamtgewicht 19.000 kg – Tara 9180 kg –

= Weitere Informationen =

Kabine: Tag
Vorderachse: Gelenkt
Ladebordwand: HOLLANDIA, 1500 kg
Wenden Sie sich an Miguel Cubas, um weitere Informationen zu erhalten.

= Firmeninformationen =

We are located between Antwerp and Brussels along the A12 motorway, nearby the port of Antwerp. Opening hours: Monday till Friday continuously from 8.30 am to 19.00 pm. If you have questions please do not hesitate to contact our sales department. Tel afficher les coordonnées
= Flere valgmuligheder og mere tilbehør =

- 4x2
- Bladaffjedring
- Luftaffjedring

= Yderligere oplysninger =

Førerhus: day cab
Foraksel: Styretøj
Læssebagsmæk: HOLLANDIA, 1500 kg

= Forhandleroplysninger =

We are located between Antwerp and Brussels along the A12 motorway, nearby the port of Antwerp. Opening hours: Monday till Friday continuously from 8.30 am to 19.00 pm. If you have questions please do not hesitate to contact our sales department. Tel afficher les coordonnées
- 4x2
- Αερανάρτηση
- Ανάρτηση φυλλοειδούς ελατηρίου

We are located between Antwerp and Brussels along the A12 motorway, nearby the port of Antwerp. Opening hours: Monday till Friday continuously from 8.30 am to 19.00 pm. If you have questions please do not hesitate to contact our sales department. Tel afficher les coordonnées
= Additional options and accessories =

- 4x2
- Air suspension
- Leaf spring suspension

= Remarks =

Polywood BOX 8.55 m x h 2.31 m x w 2.47 m – d’Hollandia tailgate 1500 kg – Air conditioning – Automatic Gearbox – Leaf and air suspension – total 19,000 kg – Tare 9180 kg –

= More information =

Cab: day
Front axle: Steering
Tail lift: HOLLANDIA, 1500 kg
Please contact Miguel Cubas for more information

= Dealer information =

We are located between Antwerp and Brussels along the A12 motorway, nearby the port of Antwerp. Opening hours: Monday till Friday continuously from 8.30 am to 19.00 pm. If you have questions please do not hesitate to contact our sales department. Tel afficher les coordonnées
= Más opciones y accesorios =

- 4x2
- Suspensión
- Suspensión neumática

= Comentarios =

Furgon Polywood 8,55 m x alto 2,31 m x ancho 2,47 m – Portón trasero d’Hollandia 1500 kg – Aire acondicionado – cambio Automático – Suspensión de hojas y aire – total 19.000 kg – Tara 9180 kg –

= Más información =

Cabina: día
Eje delantero: Dirección
Trampilla elevadora: HOLLANDIA, 1500 kg
Póngase en contacto con Miguel Cubas para obtener más información.

= Información de la empresa =

We are located between Antwerp and Brussels along the A12 motorway, nearby the port of Antwerp. Opening hours: Monday till Friday continuously from 8.30 am to 19.00 pm. If you have questions please do not hesitate to contact our sales department. Tel afficher les coordonnées
- 4x2
- Ilmajousitus
- Lehtijousitus

We are located between Antwerp and Brussels along the A12 motorway, nearby the port of Antwerp. Opening hours: Monday till Friday continuously from 8.30 am to 19.00 pm. If you have questions please do not hesitate to contact our sales department. Tel afficher les coordonnées
- 4x2
- Lisnata opruga
- Zračni ovjes

We are located between Antwerp and Brussels along the A12 motorway, nearby the port of Antwerp. Opening hours: Monday till Friday continuously from 8.30 am to 19.00 pm. If you have questions please do not hesitate to contact our sales department. Tel afficher les coordonnées
- 4x2
- Légrugós felfüggesztés
- Rugós felfüggesztés

We are located between Antwerp and Brussels along the A12 motorway, nearby the port of Antwerp. Opening hours: Monday till Friday continuously from 8.30 am to 19.00 pm. If you have questions please do not hesitate to contact our sales department. Tel afficher les coordonnées
- 4x2
- Sospensione balestra
- Sospensioni pneumatiche

Mobile in polywood 8,55 m x h 2,31 m x l 2,47 m – portellone d’Hollandia 1500 kg – Aria condizionata – Automatico – Sospensioni a balestra e pneumatiche – totale 19.000 kg – Tara 9180 kg –

We are located between Antwerp and Brussels along the A12 motorway, nearby the port of Antwerp. Opening hours: Monday till Friday continuously from 8.30 am to 19.00 pm. If you have questions please do not hesitate to contact our sales department. Tel afficher les coordonnées
= Aanvullende opties en accessoires =

- 4x2
- Bladvering
- Luchtvering

= Bijzonderheden =

Polywoodkast 8.55 m x h 2.31 m x b 2.47 m -d’Hollandia laadklep 1500 kg – Airco- Automaat – Blad en Luchtgeveerd – totaal 19.000 kg – Tarra 9180 kg –

= Meer informatie =

Cabine: dag
Vooras: Meesturend
Laadklep: HOLLANDIA, 1500 kg
Neem voor meer informatie contact op met Miguel Cubas

= Bedrijfsinformatie =

We are located between Antwerp and Brussels along the A12 motorway, nearby the port of Antwerp. Opening hours: Monday till Friday continuously from 8.30 am to 19.00 pm. If you have questions please do not hesitate to contact our sales department. Tel afficher les coordonnées
- 4x2
- Bladfjæring
- Luftfjæring

We are located between Antwerp and Brussels along the A12 motorway, nearby the port of Antwerp. Opening hours: Monday till Friday continuously from 8.30 am to 19.00 pm. If you have questions please do not hesitate to contact our sales department. Tel afficher les coordonnées
= Więcej opcji i akcesoriów =

- 4x2
- Resory
- Zawieszenie pneumatyczne

= Więcej informacji =

Kabina: dzienna
Oś przednia: Układ kierowniczy
Klapa załadunkowa: HOLLANDIA, 1500 kg

= Informacje o przedsiębiorstwie =

We are located between Antwerp and Brussels along the A12 motorway, nearby the port of Antwerp. Opening hours: Monday till Friday continuously from 8.30 am to 19.00 pm. If you have questions please do not hesitate to contact our sales department. Tel afficher les coordonnées
= Opções e acessórios adicionais =

- 4x2
- Suspensão de molas
- Suspensão pneumática

= Observações =

Furgon Polywood 8,55 m x h 2,31 m x w 2,47 m – porta traseira d’Hollandia 1500 kg – Ar condicionado – Automático – Folha e suspensão pneumática – total 19.000 kg – Tara 9180 kg –

= Mais informações =

Cabina: dia
Eixo dianteiro: Direção
Monta-cargas: HOLLANDIA, 1500 kg

= Informações do concessionário =

We are located between Antwerp and Brussels along the A12 motorway, nearby the port of Antwerp. Opening hours: Monday till Friday continuously from 8.30 am to 19.00 pm. If you have questions please do not hesitate to contact our sales department. Tel afficher les coordonnées
- 4x2
- Suspensie pe arcuri
- Suspensie pneumatică

We are located between Antwerp and Brussels along the A12 motorway, nearby the port of Antwerp. Opening hours: Monday till Friday continuously from 8.30 am to 19.00 pm. If you have questions please do not hesitate to contact our sales department. Tel afficher les coordonnées
= Дополнительные опции и оборудование =

- 4x2
- Пневматическая подвеска
- Рессорная подвеска

= Дополнительная информация =

Кабина: кабина без спального места (day)
Передний мост: Рулевое управление
Заднее подъемное устройство: HOLLANDIA, 1500 kg

= Информация о дилере =

We are located between Antwerp and Brussels along the A12 motorway, nearby the port of Antwerp. Opening hours: Monday till Friday continuously from 8.30 am to 19.00 pm. If you have questions please do not hesitate to contact our sales department. Tel afficher les coordonnées
- 4x2
- Odpruženie listovými pružinami
- Vzduchové odpruženie

We are located between Antwerp and Brussels along the A12 motorway, nearby the port of Antwerp. Opening hours: Monday till Friday continuously from 8.30 am to 19.00 pm. If you have questions please do not hesitate to contact our sales department. Tel afficher les coordonnées
- 4x2
- Bladfjäder
- Luftfjädring

We are located between Antwerp and Brussels along the A12 motorway, nearby the port of Antwerp. Opening hours: Monday till Friday continuously from 8.30 am to 19.00 pm. If you have questions please do not hesitate to contact our sales department. Tel afficher les coordonnées
- 4x2
- Havalı süspansiyon
- Yaprak yaylı süspansiyon

We are located between Antwerp and Brussels along the A12 motorway, nearby the port of Antwerp. Opening hours: Monday till Friday continuously from 8.30 am to 19.00 pm. If you have questions please do not hesitate to contact our sales department. Tel afficher les coordonnées
L'offre est présentée uniquement à titre informatif. Veuillez contacter le vendeur pour plus d'informations.
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